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Braces and Dental Hygiene
Grants Pass, OR

Woman with braces being examined by an orthodontist at Robinson Orthodontics in Grants Pass, ORIf you are going to get braces, you know that they will work hard to correct the problems with your teeth and to give you an incredible smile. Here at Robinson Orthodontics, we will do our part in taking care of your braces. You need to do your part as well. Here are some tips.

Braces and Dental Hygiene, What You Need to Know

Taking good care of your braces starts with you. Proper dental hygiene is essential to keeping your mouth and teeth healthy.

Proper dental hygiene and your braces will start with what you eat. You will need to stay away from foods that are sticky such as caramel and gummy worms. They can leave particles in your braces, even after you brush. You should limit the number of sweets that you eat anyway because you do not want sugar in your braces. Wait until after the braces come off before you chew gum again. Avoid hard candies as well. Popcorn can also be a problem for a person with braces because the little bits of the kernel can get caught in them.

You will also want to break any bad habits that you have. This means that there will be no chewing ice, no biting your fingernails, and no chewing on the caps of pens when you have braces.

After you eat, rinse your mouth out with water. Swish it around a bit first, because this will help to get rid of any extra particles of food that are loose in your mouth.

You will want to take extra care when you brush your teeth with braces. Brush immediately after you eat. If that means that you will need to take a toothbrush to work or school, then do it.

You will start by brushing each area of the braces. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush, and brush each of the parts of the braces from top to bottom. Take a good look to make sure that you got all of the food out of your braces.

After you have finished brushing the braces, it is time to brush your teeth. Again, brush them one at a time, using a circular motion.

You will also want to floss daily with braces. We will explain to you how to floss with traditional braces when you first get them.

Do not forget to brush your gums as well. This is important since so much of your focus will be on your teeth. Also, brush your tongue. You might want to add an alcohol-free mouthwash into your daily routine.

These are the first steps towards making sure that you practice good dental hygiene with your braces. It is extremely important that you keep your teeth clean and free of food particles. You will also see us here at Robinson Orthodontics once a month or so. We will make sure that you are doing a good job of caring for your braces and your teeth. Call (541) 441-8288 if you have any questions, we are here for you.

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Braces and Dental Hygiene | Robinson Orthodontics - Grants Pass, OR
Here at Robinson Orthodontics, we will do our part in taking care of your braces. You need to do your part as well. Click here to learn more hygiene with braces.
Robinson Orthodontics, 124 NE Evelyn Avenue, Grants Pass, OR 97526-1427 ^ (541) 441-8288 ^ ^ 1/22/2025 ^ Tags: orthodontist Grants Pass OR ^