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Protecting your Braces
Grants Pass, OR

girl with brushing her teeth with braces at Robinson Orthodontics in Grants Pass OR 97526-1427 If you have braces, it is extremely important that you take good care of them. There are certain steps that you will need to take so that your teeth will be safe while you wear them. Here at Robinson Orthodontics, we will do our part by checking your braces and making sure that they are in good shape. You will need to do your part in protecting your braces as well.

Tips on Protecting Your Braces

For your braces to straighten your teeth properly, you need to take care of them and protect them. Here is what you need to know about protecting your braces.

What you eat will make a difference. You will want to stay away from foods that can get caught in your braces. This includes things such as popcorn and sunflower seeds. Remember as well that foods that will coat your teeth can coat your braces as well. It can be hard to clean your teeth after eating caramel, gummy bears, and other sticky foods. They should be off limits until after your braces come off.

Hard foods should also be skipped while you have braces. If it is hard to bite, you will risk damaging your braces if you decide that have it, so stay away from hard candies, ice, and other damaging foods.

You will want to break any bad habits that you have that include chewing. That means that you need to finally give up biting your fingernails and chewing on the caps of pens. These things can damage your braces.

If you play sports, you need to let us know about it. This is especially important if you play a contact sport. We will fit your mouth for a custom-made mouthguard. This will protect your braces while you play. It will also protect your teeth, your gums, and even your tongue. All that you need to do is to place the mouthguard in your mouth when you are about to play and bite down on it. If there is a hard hit to your face, the mouthguard will soften the blow and protect your mouth.

There is one thing that you need to remember when it comes to mouthguards. You can purchase one at your local sporting goods store, but that will not be adequate to protect your braces. It will help some, but it was not created specifically for you and the contours of your mouth. That is why you need to let us know if you are an athlete so that we can make sure that you have the proper mouthguard.

Most of all, the best way to protect your braces is to use common sense. Follow the guidelines and instructions that we give you. If you have any questions, the staff here at Robinson Orthodontics will be happy to answer them. All that you need to do is to call (541) 441-8288. We want to make sure that you take proper care of your braces and your teeth as well. Visit our site to take an office tour before you come in for your appointment!

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Protecting Your Braces | Grant Pass, OR | Robinson Orthodontics
Now that you have braces, do you know how to protect them? Call Robinson Orthodontics in Grants Pass, OR for facts on protecting your braces!
Robinson Orthodontics, 124 NE Evelyn Avenue, Grants Pass, OR 97526-1427 / (541) 441-8288 / / 1/31/2025 / Associated Words: orthodontist Grants Pass OR /